

So I admit it, ...I'm a slight blog-aholic....you may question that statement as this is MY first entry... Well I discovered this site awhile back and saw how cute it was, discovered of few friends from my past, then I just became intrigued... its amazing to be able to look so closely into someone else's life. You feel like you are a part of it, to see their families, the daily happenings, situations that may be similar to your own.. that make you almost feel normal..its great. So I had all these great intentions of keeping up with my own blog, and well... fell a little short. BUT, I'm ready now.... so let the journey begin.....

Here are a few pictures from the past just to highlight the last few years

Our wedding Day

Just about the cutest picture EVER
Downtown fireworks '06

Kara's 1st time to wear make-up with her handsome brother

New fall clothes

Kara being...well Kara, in other words...SILLY

Kara and Grandad (joe's dad) in New York at christmas....one of my favs

Joe and me in Jamaica..aahhhhh...I feel relaxed just thinking about it
My little love muffins

One of the most recent...at Greenfield Village on the horse carriage

Kara's dance recital this summer (she's in the middle)

Well.. I guess that is all for now...until tomorrow!