So, its Saturday morning and I am the only one up besides the puppy, actually, she is the one who woke me up! : ) Darn puppies!! Anyway, school is starting in just mere days and I can't help but be emotional. My babies are growing up! I'm not sad, at least I don't think, but just plain old when I get emotional, I find my self look at old pictures. And one reoccurring picture that I found over and over...and not just because I tell them to pose...was Kaden and Kara truly showing their "sibling love".
Kaden is starting kindergarten on Wednesday and already has the boy mentality that girls are "gross"! So, from time to time you'll see Kara chasing Kaden around trying to give him kisses and he is NOT havin' it! Its pretty funny!
And fight...oh boy do they fight...over everything!! From who sits in the middle, to who stirs the brownies...who gets to use the red crayon first, to who is the oldest! Its funny actually..Kara told me the other day she wished she was 4 (which she is) and that Kaden was one so she could be the boss, then she proceeded to tell me that ONE day, she WOULD be older, that she would pass him! I tried to explain, but...she insisited it was possible!
But still through all the tatling and yelling, and slaming of doors..which my daughter has recently started (sigh) they have a GREAT friendship and love for eachother!
The other day the kids were in the garage and Kara came running in the house exclaiming "my brother got hurt, momma my brother needs you" So I went out side and Kara was standing over him being a little "mother" telling him "awww, Kaden, you'll be ok" in her sweet little voice. It was so cute.
So here are a few pictures of my babies and the close relationship I hope they keep forever:
There are a TON more pictures I could post, but I will end for now.
Kaden and Kara, my wish is that you will always have a strong bond and loving friendship with one another, take care of eachother, and maintain your sibling LOVE!!!
Awwww, I love watching sisters trying "luv" on thier brothers and the brothers "ewwwing". Brandon and I did that all the time :)
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