Yet again the days pass and I am too busy, yet again I am behind on everything, and yet again I feel guilty and overwhelmed with the daily responsibilities of being an adult mother. I am about 2 months behind on posting so I will keep it sweet and to the point....
Continuing where I left off...
The beginning of October we were lucky enough to have Joe's parents come stay with us for a few days from North Carolina. The kids were very happy to see their GiGi and Grandad!
We Colored....We went to Blake's farm for some fall fun.....
What a GORGEOUS day it was...
We watched and learned how apple cider is made...We climbed trees...
We fed the farm animals...
Climbed up the mountain of hay...
And the GIANT tractor tires....
And of course couldn't resist jumping off...
We also went on a train ride and a hay ride, we jumped on a giant pumpkin air castle, Went through a haunted house....and we thoroughly enjoyed the day!!!!
Next major event I guess was Kaden's kindergarten Thanksgiving feast!!! They joined the two classes together...or I should say "tribes". Each tribe brought homemade goods contributing to the feast. Kaden's class made apple crisp, where they actually chopped all the apples and did all the work, except for baking, Mrs. Creech handled that. The other class made stone soup which they also made themselves. And they also had corn muffins to add to their bounty. The kids made both pilgrim and indian costumes and then got to decide which they wanted to be. Kaden chose an indian!!! His indian name was Wynono, which means first born. He had a handmade vest, necklace, and feathered hat!! It was a great time!!!
Also I can't forget about Thanksgiving!!!!!! We were so BLESSED to be able to spend it with my family who drove in from Texas!!! My mom, my dad, my two brothers Austin and Braden, and my aunt Traci....with the kids and Joe and I, we had one FULL house!!! It was so great though, we figured it out and it had been 10 years since we had had thanksgiving dinner together. Mom and I spent most of our time in the kitchen, the kids played in the snow, and the boys mainly watched football and played video games. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore...except for my poor husband, who had been looking forward to gorging himself for weeks, unfortunately wasn't feeling well, with some sort of stomach bug. So he didn't get to eat til 2 days later...he was very bummed...and so was I.... I was counting on him with his usual eating patterns to make it where we didn't have so many leftovers! I swear, we had 9 people and we definitely cooked for was ridiculous!!!
I am thankful for SO many things, but this year my family topped the list! I am so very thankful for a wonderful, warm, and loving families support!! I love y'all, I know the trip was hard (more driving than visiting) but it was so wonderful having you here!!!
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